Roto-Rooter® Sugar Residue Digestant
Roto-Rooter® Brand Sugar Residue Digestant is an exclusive formula sold in two-gallon containers. The Roto-Rooter® time flow meter dispenses the product using a special metering device and an additional "misting unit" that ensures proper delivery of the treatment.
Who its for
Soda Pop Distribution Centers or Plants
Grocery Stores
Convenience Stores
Ice Cream Factories or Retail Stores

What it is
Non-toxic, non-corrosive to humans and pipes
Fast-acting and provides residual preventive maintenance for problem drain lines
Used anywhere high sugar/carbohydrate food substrates are created or processed
Different from drain and grease trap treatment product

Roto-Rooter® Sugar Residue Digestant degrades hard-to-remove buildup created by sugar/carbohydrate materials.
What is a 'Sugar Snake?'
Fast food restaurants, hotel restaurants, pubs, convenience stores and grocery stores all have a common problem. It's known as "sugar snake," the result of carbohydrates (sugar) from soft drinks and other sugarladen products building up inside drain lines. This leads to backups, costly emergency plumbing services and odor problems. Regular use of Roto-Rooter® Brand Sugar Residue Digestant (SRD) eliminates these problems.
It's Not Just A Product … It's a System
A Roto-Rooter® time fl ow meter with a special "misting" attachment virtually eliminates the buildup of sugar residue in your drain lines. It automatically dispenses the Sugar Residue Digestant into your problem line throughout the day – no mess, no worries. Sugar Residue Digestant is non-caustic, non-corrosive and environmentally friendly.
Fast Results
Roto-Rooter Sugar Residue Digestant acts fast – usually within 24 hours.

Prior to treatment, a "sugar snake" is blocking the line

After 24 hours, Roto-Rooter® Sugar Residue Digestant has completely eliminated the sugar buildup.
The special misting unit ensures that Roto-Rooter® Sugar Residue Digestant completely coats the walls of the drain line to help solve the problem quickly.